Monday, March 14, 2016

Amazing Augmented Reality Apps


This app will let you bring animals, birds, invertebrates, reptiles, fish and even dinosaurs into the classroom.  All you need to do is print out the target and view the animal through the app. This educational app will give you common facts of the animal that may be shared with the students. The app also has a weather feature which lets you add rain or snow to your picture or video. On the ZooKazam web site they are two markers that you can print out. One marker has a grass background and the other one their logo. Both work just fine with the app. The dinosaurs were a big hit with the kids.

VR on your IPhone with Google Cardboard

Do you want to experience virtual reality with a device you already own?  Google cardboard may be your answer without spending $600 plus dollars for a VR headset. The ones entering the market are very expensive with the Oculus Rift  priced at $600 and the HTC Vive priced at $799. You can purchase the Google cardboard on Amazon with the prices ranging from $5.80 through $19.99. The Linkcool Google cardboard below is priced at $9.98. There are also some on the pricey range hitting $80 and $90 dollars. There are many options but you still can make your own and Google will provide the plans. There are also some sites that will provide the non-cardboard pieces in a bundle.


The cardboard is an affordable shell with specialized lenses and it utilizes your iPhone to do the heavy lifting. Depending on the viewer you purchase your phone will either slide or strap in. Once you stare into the lenses  the two images become a 3D image. The Cardboard apps use your phone’s gyroscope and accelerometer to let you freely look around the virtual world. You are able to view 360 degree videos and photo spheres. Google does not  make or sell Cardboard viewers, but it has given an official “Works with Google Cardboard” stamp to many manufacturers.


DAQRI Smart Helmet Brings AR to Heavy Industry

DSH makes augmented reality (AR) practical in the workplace for the first time. The face shield and helmet are both ANSI compliant. The helmet has a six generation Intel processor, multiple cameras (low, high resolution and infrared), four-microphone array, and a rugged industrial AR HUD. The following applications have been used for the DSM: 

  1. Replace instruction manuals - Augmented instructions that adapts to the environment

  2. Thermal Vision - Workers can visually scan for unsafe or out-of-tolerance thermal anomalies

  3. Remote Expert - Using audio and telestration (drawing on HUD) expert can send information to novice worker

ShowMe App

This White Board app currently has 1.5 million teacher produced lessons. The app allows users to create, share, and search for lessons. ShowMe captures what users draw on the iPad screen and records their voice. The lessons are stored and can be shared with your students when the time comes. The platform can be used for any type of learning including, K-12, higher education, job training or hobbyist. The best lessons are elevated by voting which identifies best teachers and content creators. The best lessons may be placed on Web Sites adding to their visibility. 

During our last class session there were many mobile apps that were introduced. I have already touched on ZooKazam and Google cardboard. The following three apps were also discussed and I believe were the most interesting: 

  1. Spacecraft 3D - The app works like ZooKazam where you point your ipad, iPhone, or ipod at a marker to create a 3D model. The app includes Curiosity, Hubble, and Cassini.  

  2. Elements 4D - This is a impressive app. The app uses blocks that are inscribed with the symbols of 36 elements from the periodic table. You may download paper block for free. When you view the block through the app the block transform into a dynamic, dimensional, 4D representations of the element. If you place them close together and they’ll react!

  3. Anatomy 4D - The app provides models of the human body as well as an interactive heart. You can peel back the layers on the body to see the different systems, such as the skeleton. I was very impressed with this app.     



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