Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Digital Portfolio:

I have enjoyed creating my professional learning network these last few months. I started out this endeavor with creating a blog that I posted to weekly. It was a challenge at first but once I got past writers block it wasn't to bad. I enjoyed learning about new apps every week and then posting information about them. When you place your thoughts down on paper it helps you to understand the app that much more. Our professor also gave us interesting topics to write about. I would spend hours gathering my thoughts about a particular topic and locating just the right picture to go along with the topic. There was a lot of re-sizing of pictures and placing it in the right location with your material. The font color and size was also adjusted between sections to break up the blog. My blog is now linked to my new web site which was also a first for me. If you are not sure what to blog about try the following ideas:

  • Communicate news, events, building projects, student achievements, staff accomplishments, and other information
  • Tell great stories as a means to take control of your public relations
  • Reflect on your learning, successes, and failures
  • Share practical strategies and evidence that have resulted from change initiatives
  • Provide insight on how specific technology tools can be successfully integrated to support/enhance student learning

Professional Twitter Account and LinkedIn

I have been following professionals in my field and classmates on Twitter. It is a great way to stay connected with current events affecting your intended profession. I try to share articles that may interest my classmates and may also assist them with their digital portfolio. I currently have 22 followers.   

LinkedIn is also a good way to stay connected with professionals in your field. I have updated my profile to include a picture, work experience, education, and volunteer work. I am going to try to continue to improve my account and also reach out to professionals in my field of study. 


Web Page on Weebly

I was pretty excited to create my first personal web page. I had some issues uploading my video introduction and my resume, but both issues were corrected. I was not able to upload my resume utilizing Word 2016 but the resume was finally uploaded into Weebly by using a prior version of word. The You Tube option works just fine but you cannot upload a HD video  or a file with a video without upgrading. I also utilized multiple pages for my web site:

  1. Home Page - Snap shot of my current occupation, education and achievements, Cross Fit LLC, and my volunteer work. 
  2. About Me Page - Links to my different accounts and a slide show. 
  3. Resume Page - Letters of recommendation and contact form.
  4. Project Page - Pixton business article, prezi, and my Finance Daily paper. 
  5. Activities Page - Softball link, CYO schedule, and basketball training videos. 
Before I commit to Weebly as my Professional website I am going to check the capabilities of Wix. I am also thinking of creating a website for my coaching duties.

Some of the apps I enjoy using regularly are Flipboard, Evernote, and Paper.Li. The reason I enjoy Flipboard is because all my interests are caught under one magazine app. I utilize Evernote to make copies of business receipts quickly and easily. I created a Finance newspaper on Paper.Li to catch up on current events. I would like to thank my professor for introducing these apps to us and assisting us with our PLN.  

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